Is there any documentation available for Exocad configuration files?



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I wanted to know if there is any documentation available for Exocad for all the parameters and keywords present in the configuration of Exocad? Being able to change values and making change to the script in the config files is great and I have got a certain understanding on how to modify stuff based on just messing around and studying the config files already in exocad and from libraries / attachments from other vendors. But having a proper documentation would help a lot which include all parameters / keyword and data types. I did search for it and found a configuration guide which is exactly what I was looking for, but it's only for model creator and it's from all the way back from 2014.

Any way to obtain to the latest documention / configuration guide for Exocad?


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when you are a reseller they let you have this.


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Ive found a few things, I will post when I can..


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Prepare some coffee then !

I've spent an enormous amount of time on this so just a quick overview and tips.
Not sure you will find in-depth internal documentations as I'm not sure they'd have a reason to make them. If I had to guess exocad mostly forms their resellers by at HQ, visio or internal communications. Resellers, as far as my experience goes don't have a profound understanding of how things work. Exocad might give source code to some clients (zirkon zahn, noble, aman) so that's where the documentation of how things work might be.

If you're searching for probably all parameters you can check "DentalCADApp\config\defaultparameters.xml"
These will set how your constructions are created let's say. Crowns, models, dentures etc.
There's a lot to learn, you can add those directly in any dentalproject. Though if you have started a scene the parameters will have already been set so only when starting the project will they do something.
You can also create your own parameters using "DentalDB\bin\WorkParamConfigToolWPF.exe"
I would suggest you copy the default and start experimenting. I've set my brush size a bit smaller for exemple, added the ability to scan gingiva on inlay in dentaldb as my scanner can use the impression to scan it. I've set my margin options to 0 and border taper for inlay to max 3mm.

Then there's "DentalCADApp\config\settings.xml" (make the file if your reseller lacks logic and made their modifications in defautsettings.xml)
Theses variables will dictate how the software works, behave, enable or disable features. A few I would suggest are:

<AutoShowDistanceToAntagonistsEnableHealthyTeeth>true</AutoShowDistanceToAntagonistsEnableHealthyTeeth>I instantly want to see quickly if the occlusion is correct
<AlwaysCorrectInsertionAxis>true</AlwaysCorrectInsertionAxis> this one is important as exocad by defaut goes next step in wizard iirc, the algorithm is crap as it only calculates the margin plus less undercut. But, best insertion is few undercuts and importantly good contact points with adjacent teeth
<DefaultToothLibrary>your favorite</DefaultToothLibrary>
<AdaptApproximalBlockoutNeighborScan>true</AdaptApproximalBlockoutNeighborScan> when clicking cut adjacent teeth it won't just make the meshes make contact at the overlaps, it will make space underneath for physically possible insertion
<ExportScanInfo>true</ExportScanInfo> will keep your margin line if you need to restart your scene from scratch, for exemple you forgot a tooth in dentaldb
<MergePartsPreferLaserMelting>1</MergePartsPreferLaserMelting> no idea why it's an option, but much better if you prefer to freeform your connectors as all your construction will be one uniform mesh, otherwise the crown and connector will be two different bodies which can cause problems on some machines
<DefaultArticulatorLibrary>Artex CR</DefaultArticulatorLibrary>
<AbutmentMatchingAlwaysShowDistances>1</AbutmentMatchingAlwaysShowDistances>think it's now on by default anyways
<AttachmentInFreeformScanData>true</AttachmentInFreeformScanData> quite useful when you start using it, for exemple you can add a pontic where there is no teeth, doesn't always work well especially if there isn't enough overlapping of the meshes. I use it when doing mockup, model creation. I also substract my implant crown from the model so I don't need to make a separate gingiva and see exactly where to start my polishing.
<AttachmentInFreeformSerializeCurrentAttachment>true</AttachmentInFreeformSerializeCurrentAttachment>don't remember what it's for tbh
<ModelAlignmentForAnyScanType>1</ModelAlignmentForAnyScanType>I use this to set the front view (numpad 1) correctly. Will only work when the stl files are not named correctly as dentalcad doesn't know where they are in space, for exemple if your dental project is "john doe.dentalproject" and it's a crown on 37 it will try to load "john doe-LowerJaw.stl (or ply, that's prefered by the app) and "john doe-37.stl"
<ModelBuilderTextAttachmentDefaultTextFormatString>%f %l</ModelBuilderTextAttachmentDefaultTextFormatString>first name and last name, see my naming template in dentaldb
<FreeformTextAttachmentFont>Malgun Gothic</FreeformTextAttachmentFont>
<ModelBuilderDefaultLibraryEntry>0bPlatelessModel/cdies</ModelBuilderDefaultLibraryEntry> I use this one when I need a die (composite by hand),and change to extra die in the model alignement menu with shift key when doing a crown of disilicate inlay
<ImplantLibraryAllowScrewChannelAnglesByUserDefaultMaxAngle>30</ImplantLibraryAllowScrewChannelAnglesByUserDefaultMaxAngle>you'll be able to modify your screw channel if there's not a "kill switch" in the implant config files, not complicated to change but out of scope of this thread.
A thing to know is some screws have a bit of tolerance so you can change your angle by 10°max or go further on a normal straight ti base (some don't seel them) if you're planning to use an angulated screw, just make sure they're quite compatible, for exemple some dess ti base are flat at the screw contact, and their angulated screw always iirc is slightly tapered, do a cut view.
<FreeformEmergenceProfile>true</FreeformEmergenceProfile>that's for abutment bottoms
<VendorProductName>your lab</VendorProductName>this will show at the top of your window
<TiltProjectIsAllowedLaterDuringProjectDesign>true</TiltProjectIsAllowedLaterDuringProjectDesign>useful if you ****ed something up and don't know how to invert normals.
<PreparationMarginCutViewDisabled>true</PreparationMarginCutViewDisabled>that's the view bubble when setting the margin line, never used it <EmergenceProfileDesignDefomsCrown>false</EmergenceProfileDesignDefomsCrown>I think it keeps your design if you then set your abutment bottom way down to start of implant, it's what I do, prefer using normal freeform

Do note that some of those might be already enabled in different versions of exocad and I might be wrong on their function.

Then there's dentalDB ("DentalDB\config\settings-db.xml"). Create it by copying the default one. These variables will dentaldb at your liking.
I only have a few changes there. I deleted all the start buttons I don't use, made a custom one with an icon of mine because why not. And most of all I made, what I think the best naming template that goes like this.
<FilenameTemplate>%l %f</FilenameTemplate>
<PathTemplate>%p\%l\%d %s</PathTemplate>
You've set john doe as a patient of client jane doe, case is 11 inlay core using inlay feature then just after that the crown on top.
\ means new folder and %s is an incremental that resets every 24h

In your CAD-Data it will go like this.
jane doe (folder)john doe (folder) date 001(folder) john doe.dentalproject inlay merged to scan data or using digital wax up in model creation.
jane doe (folder)john doe (folder) date 002(folder) john doe.dentalproject crown
So, the reason I set the %s is because if it were to be only the date files it would be in the same folder if done the same day and overwrite the first dentalproject. Though you can probably add it to filename template if you prefer. You can also add tooth shade if you want.
Anyways, after many experimenting this is what's best for me, good organisation and overview. Default "recommended" exocad is stupid !
If you change your template, dentaldb won't be able to find them, you'll have to go through windows.

Now if you want to go deeper and have a better and clearer image instead of the many out of order xml files you can decompile DentalData.dll using jetbrains decompiler.
You'll get a very long list of things that might interest you. Once you see this list you might understand why I think there isn't "expert" level documentations. But hey, if anyone has some, I'm here !

If you have questions don't hesitate, and sorry for form and typos, I'm tired, coffee wearing off eventually.
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