EXOCAD: Denture tooth placement frustration



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If you have created a design in the Exocad full arch design software, you can not change any of the tooth setups you are using. For example: if you have set the occlusion of the posteriors and created a monoblock try-in but your client does not like the anteriors you choose. The doctor would say, "Don't change the posteriors, the occlusion is perfect. Just change the front six to something more square in shape."

Now to clarify, you can easily delete the adapted denture base and go to denture tooth placement to change the anterior tooth set you are using. However, this resets ALL of the teeth to the position set by the model analysis. This applies to both single arch and full mouth cases. You would need to replace the anterior teeth, and then MANUALLY replace every single posterior tooth to be in the exact same layout as you had before so as not affect the occlusion that you had already gotten correct.

I have not found a way around this problem. Currently I create a pre-op scan of my existing design and manually replace all the posteriors to be as close to my original positioning as possible just so I can change the front six. If someone knows how to change the anteriors without resetting the posteriors to the model analysis setup please help me!
Elefsina 3.2 should let you save a setup, and reload that setup at anytime. so save the posteriors for example, then place new anteriors without moving post.
Edit: I figured it out. If you go to denture tooth placement and switch the anterior teeth to a different tooth set, you can then hit "Place Anteriors" and it will refresh the anterior teeth to the current library selected. Now normally if you just hit "okay" and close the window to go back into expert mode, the software will reset all of the teeth to the model analysis setup. What I did to go get around this is before I hit okay to accept the changes and activate the reset, I did the Ctrl+"Reload Shapes" button on the denture tooth placement screen. This will reset all of the adjustments you've made to all of the teeth to the default tooth library shapes, but you can keep the posterior teeth in the same relative position when you hit the okay button to accept the change to the anterior teeth set and go back into expert mode. Hope this helps and makes sense. 👍
This is why I do my denture designs in the partial denture workflow. It allows a lot more freedom than the denture module and you can still do monoblock or assembled dentures. The design tree is similar to doing pontic waxup but you have more freedom with the minimum thickness of your denture base, you can easily change any tooth to any library you wish.
Is there any way of permanently turning off the &$@@& model analysis after the initial setup is done? It's in the way, just like the blue margin bubble and you have to constantly turn it off. So very annoying.
Is there any way of permanently turning off the &$@@& model analysis after the initial setup is done? It's in the way, just like the blue margin bubble and you have to constantly turn it off. So very annoying.
Yes, the model analysis pops up every time you push a button and it is very obstructing. I make it’s opacity 10%. This way it isn’t in the way but it doesn’t considered it “hidden”. Hope that helps.
Yes, the model analysis pops up every time you push a button and it is very obstructing. I make it’s opacity 10%. This way it isn’t in the way but it doesn’t considered it “hidden”. Hope that helps.
Thank you, but I already understood that. I want to make it permanently GO AWAY after the tooth placement as it no longer serves any purpose whatsoever after that step. It's incredibly annoying that as advanced as Exocad is, it still will not maintain the status of the items we have either turned on/off or the opacity of those items. I waste endless effort having to re-click eyeballs to remove items that I no longer need to see.
I would suspect playing with this:


The computer Im working on right now doesnt have the module so I cant tinker myself
I would suspect playing with this:


The computer Im working on right now doesnt have the module so I cant tinker myself
Thanks. I'll have to look into that. It's hopefully similar to to making the margin marking "blue dot" disappear.
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