Questions for the tech who work from home



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I'm currently working for a small lab right now and have been considering branching out and opening up my own denture laboratory. I have the capability to open it from my home, but I have some questions.

Working for somebody else gives me the opportunity to have a paid vacation, but how does everybody work out having vacations or being closed for holidays when you have a few dentists and are the only technician?

Along with vacation another scenario that I keep thinking about is maternity. With another lab I would be able to take a maternity leave, but how do other woman technicians work it out with not taking a leave, but still dealing with the change of a newborn?


Christian Member
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I'm currently working for a small lab right now and have been considering branching out and opening up my own denture laboratory. I have the capability to open it from my home, but I have some questions.

Working for somebody else gives me the opportunity to have a paid vacation, but how does everybody work out having vacations or being closed for holidays when you have a few dentists and are the only technician?

Along with vacation another scenario that I keep thinking about is maternity. With another lab I would be able to take a maternity leave, but how do other woman technicians work it out with not taking a leave, but still dealing with the change of a newborn?
Greetings Earthling! Welcome!

It is good that you are thinking ahead. Luck favors the prepared.

Assuming you are in the US, as far as vacations go, you're gonna have periods, during July and December at least, where all your offices will be closed for about 3days up to a week and a half depending on where July 4 and then the week between dec25 to jan1. These times will, unless you have a lot backlogged(which we all kinda both hope for and dread),be your built in vacation times. Also these are when you can catch up refitting the lab either with new tech, new layouts, or just a good deep cleaning and overlooked maintenance issues.

You need to plan for slow times, and budget accordingly. Extra large income from big months aren't always best used by expanding or deepening options in materials or equipment. Saving for lean times and unexpected power, equipment, or vehicle failures is a must. Both for the business and personally.

If you have not, you need to make a business plan. If you are looking to borrow capital for starting no one will take you seriously without one. Even if you have all you need on hand already, going by the seat of your pants will end up with you falling on their contents.
@sidesh0wb0b is a big fan of and their books which will guide you through the process.
He may also be able to give some good information about in lab childcare and his attempts to 'child safety' his lab.

@Affinity has introduced us to a great book you should read as well. Being a skilled technician is far from the only skill you will need in order to be a good businesswoman. The E-Myth was quite eye-opening. I'd had, and failed in runjing, two businesses before. This made me understand why.

I'll page some of the ladies for you for the questions I'm disqualified from answering.
@Doris A @Mrs.galfriday @wwcanoer @Galgolfer
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I would suggest that you decide on a set list of vacation/ holiday days and include this to the dentists in your starting packet. That said, I would be careful about the amount of days you take off between Thanksgiving and New Years as that is the busy time, at least for myself. Most dentists are understanding and can work around your schedule from time to time.


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Yeah , forget maternity leave... I returned a reline about 24 hours before I had my son in an ambulance on the way to the hospital,lol. He went on all of the pickups and deliveries with me, I worked when he was sleeping or husband was there to watch him. Only had one guy who wasn't someone in dental comment, I was carrying the baby in one arm and his stroller was loaded up with cases, it was raining outside and it was a hospital setting there was about a block to the car so had the umbrella under my chin (yep, I also had a backache). The guy asked me,"is this bring a child to work day?" , I told him, "everyday is bring a child to work day!" He gave me a bad look and walked away.
Doris A

Doris A

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We take the week between Christmas and New Year's for our vacation as most of our Drs are closed that week as well. As for maternity leave, that's going to be a tough one for a one person lab. You also want to make sure that the city zoning allows labs in a residential neighborhood.


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Running a lab from home is hard work. I take holidays at Christmas/new year when most dentists do. I let them know early each year.
As for maternity Flipper nailed it.
Toni Toscano

Toni Toscano

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Agree to all of this. I was in the hospital two weeks before my son was born. That was my involuntary maternity leave. I was back at it three days later. Good thing to keep in mind is new borns sleep a lot. So in between curing and stone setting up are good feeding times. Its not hard to get used to. Just a little more planning.. But if your a tech already I'd guess thats second nature by now! Good luck. You can do it. Don't let it scare you because its possible to raise a good kid and work from home (even better when school starts cuz you'll always be there for the buses) there will always be some sort of stress... Figuring that out and being able to adapt is key. ❤
rkm rdt

rkm rdt

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I'm currently working for a small lab right now and have been considering branching out and opening up my own denture laboratory. I have the capability to open it from my home, but I have some questions.

Working for somebody else gives me the opportunity to have a paid vacation, but how does everybody work out having vacations or being closed for holidays when you have a few dentists and are the only technician?

Along with vacation another scenario that I keep thinking about is maternity. With another lab I would be able to take a maternity leave, but how do other woman technicians work it out with not taking a leave, but still dealing with the change of a newborn?

vacation? Rofl
Toni Toscano

Toni Toscano

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You are right about that! But get yourself out there if that is a problem. Picking up my supplies saves me on shipping and lets me run into fellow techs and potential doctors. I mean I think it just depends on personality. Do the good old pros and cons list. The comfort of finding work and having benefits not being your problem versus working for yourself. Having more flexible time and knowing you can depend on the quality output. That's how I made my choice. So I guess it comes down too which side of inconveniences would you rather work with. There are plenty on either side. But at least with me and hubby... I know what to expect and what we can handle as a team. I wish you luck. Follow your heart and make a plan


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You are right about that! But get yourself out there if that is a problem. Picking up my supplies saves me on shipping and lets me run into fellow techs and potential doctors. I mean I think it just depends on personality. Do the good old pros and cons list. The comfort of finding work and having benefits not being your problem versus working for yourself. Having more flexible time and knowing you can depend on the quality output. That's how I made my choice. So I guess it comes down too which side of inconveniences would you rather work with. There are plenty on either side. But at least with me and hubby... I know what to expect and what we can handle as a team. I wish you luck. Follow your heart and make a plan

I thought you worked for somebody that was telling you how and what to use when mixing acrylic?!?
Toni Toscano

Toni Toscano

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Yea I also mention the home lab. But anyways until recently that was the case. For my husband. (We are both techs.. In case that wasnt clear either) Just thought it was easier to generalize and have only one account? Hope that clears things up..


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Entrepreneurs arent concerned about vacation as much as escaping reality everyday. Working for someone else is prison, when you live free, who needs a vacation? People take vacations to get a break from jobs they hate.

As for maternity leave, kids are not really conducive to starting a successful business. Kids are a full time job.. If there are two of you, its totally doable, even to have the kid at home while you work.. but you will have to pinch pennies and take in as much work as you can for a few years if the lab will support a small family. I have a toy box in the front of my lab, my kids are here several times a week, and I wouldnt have it any other way. I grew up in a lab too.


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Entrepreneurs arent concerned about vacation as much as escaping reality everyday. Working for someone else is prison, when you live free, who needs a vacation? People take vacations to get a break from jobs they hate.

As for maternity leave, kids are not really conducive to starting a successful business. Kids are a full time job.. If there are two of you, its totally doable, even to have the kid at home while you work.. but you will have to pinch pennies and take in as much work as you can for a few years if the lab will support a small family. I have a toy box in the front of my lab, my kids are here several times a week, and I wouldnt have it any other way. I grew up in a lab too.

Well spoken.
When you work for yourself every day is a long day, a short day, a vacation, a day off, a day from hell, a profitable day, a day of loss a day of success, a day of failure... you get the idea.
Just having the op state they are worried about the perks tells me they are not ready to invest their whole life in their career and future.
Keep going to work op.


Christian Member
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Entrepreneurs arent concerned about vacation as much as escaping reality everyday. Working for someone else is prison, when you live free, who needs a vacation? People take vacations to get a break from jobs they hate.
That is so well said that it's getting printed and hung on the wall.

Where else could you:
dance around like a stoned hippie (60s or 90s)
laugh maniacally
Watch a movie in pieces while eating breakfast, waiting for stone, eating lunch, drying whatever, waiting for UPS with the new toys, scanning in stuff
put your feet up
get into a conversation about whether the grains of %material% are random distribution, tessellated, or crystalline
sing loudly
Tell a guy to find another place to blow that "smoke and mirrors"
glue googly eyes on all the equipment that would look funny with them (speakers, handpiece boxes, magnifiers, coffee pots, file cabinets...)

And still be smiling about it at the end of the day!

All this plus the total reason I love it. Helping people. Not just having, but actually taking and making as much as you can out of the opportunity to change someone's life.
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Toni Toscano

Toni Toscano

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You are awesome! Totally glueing googly eyes everywhere! Haha

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