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A. M.

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Lockdowns? You should try it... people lose their jobs, have no money to pay rent, bills, food... and not knowing when will it end!
Also... (because we had it here in Canada, lockdown, stay at home order)... suicide numbers are up, opioid overdose numbers are up, also death, depression... oh AND also kids are suffering. Eating disorders, suicidal attempts, depression, etc...
Food banks were empty, and politicians kept saying "We are all in this together!"
Hell yeah, doing some zoom meetings, standing in front of the camera and getting paid the same amount of money the whole time.
Try to talk to people who went through it, ask about there personal experiences... be human and listen to their stories. Some would tell you they lost more friends or family because of the lockdowns then covid.


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I agreed with you and your doctor. They want you to get vaccinated. There is no test to check for delta unless you run a different test after a positive PCR test. Just because it's harder to test for doesn't mean you can't get statistically relevant and significant data. We've been over this a bunch already, your doctor recommending the shot is standing with the overwhelming majority of scientific and medical consensus that it is safe and effective. It's not 100% safe, and it's not 100% effective, but it's wayyyyy better than if you don't have it.
i think you missed the point but thats okay. take care! lol


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Oof, well we definitely are not succeeding in communicating though I do appreciate that we're all at least trying to talk to one another. I think a lot of it comes from this idea that you can hold multiple ideas and they don't necessarily contradict each other.

Like I can say I think people that are anti-vax are misinformed and their actions are harming people, while also believing that most of them are not bad people doing it intentionally.

Similarly I can say that the idea of a lockdown is good (quarantine's been around forever, I believe it's even in the bible though I don't recall the verse),while also saying that the way the government handled it was straight up awful. They could have afforded to do it in a way that didn't cause people to lose their businesses in an instant and they continue to do stupid things like have moratoriums on eviction (good idea, really) while not helping keep landlords afloat since they lose that income (unbelievably bad idea, how are they not supporting these people?!).

Another example being the press. There's probably no such thing as bias-free, we're all human, but some sources are striving and succeeding at having real journalistic integrity. I don't throw them all in the trash because some are really bad and none of them are perfect.

You can trust experts without giving up the agency to think for yourself, and honestly unless you're learning everything in life by trial and error by yourself, you're trusting someone with more experience than you are to teach you things. I don't know squat about lab work but I'm trusting those with more experience to help guide me.

Before doing this I was a welder and I didn't know a damned thing out of school, but I learned from experts and got to the point where I was welding 100% x-ray welds on nuclear powered aircraft carriers and submarines. If I had been like "man some of these welders telling me stuff are wrong so I'm not going to listen to any of them" I'd have never gotten to that level of understanding.

Most importantly to me, I can say I think people freaking out about the risk about the vaccine are often being hypocritical (no I don't think that makes them a bad person). Getting in your car and driving to work every day is far more dangerous yet I'm guessing most of us do that.


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Getting in your car and driving to work every day is far more dangerous yet I'm guessing most of us do that.
so you would be okay with government mandating that you have to walk to work then. based on your logic of what is more safe and risks the well being of others you should have zero problem with this new mandate. time to start walking!


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Dude, Abe, why doesn't your father love you?!?! He let you be a frickin dental tech! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Also, why can't america just be america? there are sooo many other countries that align with the new marxist principals being forced in our country. I never understand how people will risk death AND DIE to come here but no one leaves here even with all their complaints.
Bottom line is the government does not exist to protect our health, emotional feelings, and give us shelter and food, they're here to protect our God given rights!! Rather than teach everyone to fish and support themselves it turned into "They're complaining? Give them more fish!"
If someone is scared, it is their responsibility to overcome that fear or hide, not for everyone to be forced to accommodate their fear or be shunned and banished.
And how else are business owners going to survive a lock down? limit amazon, walmart, and the home depot? Give them more money? Giving money doesn't work. Inflation will be coming soon because of the amount of money we have printed in the last year. SOmething like 40% of all US dollars ever printed was printed in the last year! Nothing good is coming our way. We have sadly destroyed ourselves.


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so you would be okay with government mandating that you have to walk to work then. based on your logic of what is more safe and risks the well being of others you should have zero problem with this new mandate. time to start walking!

I think you misunderstood my example. I'm comparing the danger of the vaccine to driving to work. Getting the vaccine is safer than driving to work yet people are much more fearful of the vaccine than they are of the car. If driving to work suddenly meant that there was a significant additional risk either of us might die, yeah I'd walk. It's about taking calculated risks right?

Dude, Abe, why doesn't your father love you?!?! He let you be a frickin dental tech! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Also, why can't america just be america? there are sooo many other countries that align with the new marxist principals being forced in our country. I never understand how people will risk death AND DIE to come here but no one leaves here even with all their complaints.
Bottom line is the government does not exist to protect our health, emotional feelings, and give us shelter and food, they're here to protect our God given rights!! Rather than teach everyone to fish and support themselves it turned into "They're complaining? Give them more fish!"
If someone is scared, it is their responsibility to overcome that fear or hide, not for everyone to be forced to accommodate their fear or be shunned and banished.
And how else are business owners going to survive a lock down? limit amazon, walmart, and the home depot? Give them more money? Giving money doesn't work. Inflation will be coming soon because of the amount of money we have printed in the last year. SOmething like 40% of all US dollars ever printed was printed in the last year! Nothing good is coming our way. We have sadly destroyed ourselves.

Thanks for that, I can't wait to pass it on to him :p

Right now big businesses like amazon and walmart pay no corporate tax, and we subsidize the low wages they pay their employees with our tax dollars because their employees would starve otherwise. Could they afford to pay them a living wage? Yes, obviously, they're raking in huge profit. You think maybe they should pay some taxes like you and I do? Or at least pay their people enough money where they can work full time and support their families?


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Which is worth fighting for, my freedom or your fear? Amazon and walmart wont even have workers in a few years.. so what will you do then? This thread is 1984 and Idiocracy combined its terrifying.
I'll be at camp quarantine, block D.


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Its ok to be wrong, were here to help you.


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Inflation will be coming soon because of the amount of money we have printed in the last year. SOmething like 40% of all US dollars ever printed was printed in the last year! Nothing good is coming our way. We have sadly destroyed ourselves.
You got it right, how long can a failing system could stay afloat by creating fiat, handed free to the top 0.0001% and the rest (slave class) will have to work hard for it ? Until the wealth transfer is complete. Then China will step in to be the next dominant power for a hundred year, just like US took over the Brit empire, who took over from the French, who took over from the Dutch, who took over from Spain...and so on... All lasted roughly a hundred years.
This is not by coincidence , everything is planned well ahead. The only difference this time, the current economic system is unsustainable, you cannot have unlimited growth with limited resources. So, drastic changes are needed (according to the ruling class)... we are strip mining earth, polluting and destroying forests at an unprecedented level. This cov BS is just the foreplay of what is there to come, and it wont be pretty. Problem, reaction, solution.


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You got it right, how long can a failing system could stay afloat by creating fiat, handed free to the top 0.0001% and the rest (slave class) will have to work hard for it ? Until the wealth transfer is complete. Then China will step in to be the next dominant power for a hundred year, just like US took over the Brit empire, who took over from the French, who took over from the Dutch, who took over from Spain...and so on... All lasted roughly a hundred years.
This is not by coincidence , everything is planned well ahead. The only difference this time, the current economic system is unsustainable, you cannot have unlimited growth with limited resources. So, drastic changes are needed (according to the ruling class)... we are strip mining earth, polluting and destroying forests at an unprecedented level. This cov BS is just the foreplay of what is there to come, and it wont be pretty. Problem, reaction, solution.

I agree with a lot of this (besides the covid being BS). Gotta stop the ultra-rich from hoovering up all the wealth from the rest of us for sure. The US empire does seem to be waning. Unsustainable economic system, yup. Drastic changes needed to avert disaster, check. Destroying the planet and recklessly wasting stuff, probably should change course on that. If you'd mentioned the workers owning the means of production you might be a full on supporter of communist philosophy!


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If you'd mentioned the workers owning the means of production you might be a full on supporter of communist philosophy!
For the first 14 years of my life I lived in communism, and I know first hand how is it, then I saw what a 40% hyperinflation lasting for years feels like... let me tell ya, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would not support such ideology, period.


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For the first 14 years of my life I lived in communism, and I know first hand how is it, then I saw what a 40% hyperinflation lasting for years feels like... let me tell ya, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would not support such ideology, period.
Yeah it hasn't ever really worked out in practice. Just giving ya a hard time :)


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Man this just makes me glad to live in Canada lol.


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Funny thing is everyone believes they are following facts instead of narratives.
I see it sometimes as a mix. People can report facts and then apply a narrative. Sometimes the things they present as facts aren't actually facts, then it's pure narrative.

Just being aware that narratives exist on all sides of a contentious issue help get us closer to what's true.


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What part of government-mandated, emergency-use,experimental, gene-altering, ineffective, unproven, unsafe, propagandized poison, dont you understand?
Explain which part of that is not a reported fact.
Even the placebo is aluminum hydroxide so to give the appearance of the real thing.
You have no right to inject these things into other peoples bodies, let alone 100% of the population, you have no right to demand others to do it for you. History is repeating itself and youre treading close to being on the wrong side of it in a big way.


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It's kinda like we've been over, we disagree about which things are facts so we're stuck right?

Mandated for a lotta people: Yes
Gene-altering: nope, doesn't do that.
Ineffective: It's highly effective
Unsafe: It's very safe
Propagandized: Yes, everything is to some degree
Poison: No, even water is a poison if you drink too much of it. Fluoride is a poison if you have the wrong amount of it, but highly beneficial with the right amount.

We both believe the other side is doing something that's harming public safety so we speak out against it.


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It's kinda like we've been over, we disagree about which things are facts so we're stuck right?

Mandated for a lotta people: Yes
Gene-altering: nope, doesn't do that.
Ineffective: It's highly effective
Unsafe: It's very safe
Propagandized: Yes, everything is to some degree
Poison: No, even water is a poison if you drink too much of it. Fluoride is a poison if you have the wrong amount of it, but highly beneficial with the right amount.

We both believe the other side is doing something that's harming public safety so we speak out against it.
This! 100% agree, people will nitpick niche cases that show it going wrong when millions are getting vaxxed without issue, diminished symptoms if they do contract it and living their lives normally. People fearmonger the small niche of cases where people had bad reactions and use that as a silver bullet to the entire thing. Oh look he is 2000 cases of people having adverse effects, oh well here is millions not...

People are allergic or have poor reactions to different things you cant make one substance that nobody will react negatively too its just not possible.

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