As I thought, exocad reseller does not provide the database migration although exocad pointed that it is resellers job.
I don't see any database tools on the NAS. Do I understand correctly that the DBeaver has to be installed on every computer, that I want to connect?
Generally explaining how to do migration forum is possible, but explanations are just guidelines. Explaining how to use DBeaver to create database, user and setting privileges is something you have to learn, because giving detailed instructions are seriously time consiming.. so its up to you to learn how to use dbeaver and how to actually do things - which i know is also time consuming.
Now, if you have time and will to learn things, its possible - but since migration is done usually once, i would say it is not really worthwhile to learn to do this. In this thread we have suggested that you find a local IT guy, who knows what to do - this might cost few usd/eur/other currency but it is best way to do this - it saves a lot gray hairs and time
However, if you want to try it yourself, here goes.
mariadb is server, to which dbeaver - or exocad - connects to. dbeaver is needed to do few phases in instruction, and it can be used to migrate data from sqilte to mariadb (as an alternative to tools mentioned in exocads migration instructions introduction segment). DBeaver can be installed on one computer: it is not needed once everything is up and running.
- install dbeaver on one computer. connect dbeaver to your mariadb server (server name is nas’ ip-address). login as "root" (without quotes, password might be empty or then pw was set when you enabled mariadb in nas).
- once connected, use dbbeaver to create database schema and user as instructed in exocad migration guide (phase no. 2). remember to give new user all privileges to database schema you created - and this username/pw combination is what all exocad instances must be configured to use once everything is done. It is good practice to reconnect dbeaver to mariadb with created username/pw to verify that database schema and user is creater correctly. Note: root user has all access all the time, so in theory that can be used as login which is used in exocad - however i dont not recommend this.
- configure exocad on one computer (for starters) as instructed in migration instructions, phases 3 and 4: server name can be ip-address of your nas, database name and user name (and pw) are which you created with dbeaver
- run /createdatabase as in exocads instructions: this will create database structures to which enables exocad to store information to maridb database instead of sqlite.
at this moment exocad should work one computer, but there will be no orders because database (in mariadb) is empty. scans are still safe, but patient information etc is not there. Next thing is to copy data from sqlite to mariadb.. you can either use tools mentioned in instruction (introduction) or then you can use dbeaver - like this
- use dbeaver to connect to sqlite database (dbeaver supports multiple connections so mariadb connection can remain open): export data rows (not table structures) on all tables and save it to a file - export is basically set of sql statements that insert data into databse (a text file)
- open mariadb connection and use username/pw you created. then open saved file or open in notepad and copypaste contents to dbeaver window that is labeled something like "sql query".. and execute those queries.
if all goes well, exocad can be started and it SHOULD find all orders (and scans as well). when all is good and working, configure exocad/dentaldb on other computers to use mariadb as well.