Wax iron holder



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25 watt. But you could plug any wattage into the rheostat; it's rated for running a router.

Edit: yes it's very handy. If you can adapt a spoon to the tip you can shovel serious wax.
I got my tip from a failed cheapo Chinese waxer that died at first day. I saw a video on you tube from a model maker type background. He pounded out and ground a spoon tip on heavy gauge copper wire then directly replaced the soldering tip with it.
It didn't look hard, mine was just easier and redeemed a past error in judgement, so I'm a little too pleased with myself.
How high are you usually turning that rheostat? Wondering how well the 15 watt iron would work without it.
I'd modified the tip for SMD work for which I no longer have the time, or the eyesight, so it's kinda doing the dust collecting thing.
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