Setting teeth / diastema



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Have a very frustrating issue going on....I have been setting teeth for almost 7 years now. Except for training, I have never had a problem. For some reason within the last couple months, I keep coming up with diastema's between the max canine and bicuspids. Sometimes on one side, sometimes on both. We only use Dentsply Classics with 33 degree posteriors. It happens when I use both 30m's and 34m's. I do remember it happening in training but for the life of me I cannot remember what I'm doing wrong to cause it. Would love some help please. Thanks!
Doris A

Doris A

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Wax is causing it. When setting the teeth make sure they are touching with no wax between them.


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I wish it was as simple as wax causing it, but unfortunately it is not...all anteriors are snug against each other. Some reason the max bicuspid has to be moved posteriorly to come into occlusion with the lower canine and bucuspid, which causes the diastema between the max canine and bicuspid - and I'm talking 3mm, not just a small little gap. All anterior teeth are snug against each seems like the only way I could close the gap is to grind down the mesial of the lower bicuspid and the distal of the canine in order to allow the upper to slide forward and close the gap. However I know there is an adjustment that can be made because I remember it happening many years ago and the denturist I worked for showed me how to close the gap without grinding any teeth.
Doris A

Doris A

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I wish it was as simple as wax causing it, but unfortunately it is not...all anteriors are snug against each other. Some reason the max bicuspid has to be moved posteriorly to come into occlusion with the lower canine and bucuspid, which causes the diastema between the max canine and bicuspid - and I'm talking 3mm, not just a small little gap. All anterior teeth are snug against each seems like the only way I could close the gap is to grind down the mesial of the lower bicuspid and the distal of the canine in order to allow the upper to slide forward and close the gap. However I know there is an adjustment that can be made because I remember it happening many years ago and the denturist I worked for showed me how to close the gap without grinding any teeth.
Please post a picture of it. It sounds like maybe you're using too small of anterior teeth to where the posteriors don't interdigitate correctly.


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Have a very frustrating issue going on....I have been setting teeth for almost 7 years now. Except for training, I have never had a problem. For some reason within the last couple months, I keep coming up with diastema's between the max canine and bicuspids. Sometimes on one side, sometimes on both. We only use Dentsply Classics with 33 degree posteriors. It happens when I use both 30m's and 34m's. I do remember it happening in training but for the life of me I cannot remember what I'm doing wrong to cause it. Would love some help please. Thanks!
Check mold sizes, it is the only thing that makes this happen. Try to match them better. One more thing is the arch setting and how close the lowers to the incisal edge of the top ant. teeth.


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You are setting some of the cheapest teeth on the planet, the injection molded borders of the teeth hamper setting. Tell your boss to stop being cheap and get some real teeth :)

If you are talking about full denture set up's and you are using fully anatomical teeth in the posterior AKA 33* you need to stop worrying about the gap and start worrying about the function.

Oh yeah we are talking about Classic's they will wear in to perfect function in 3 weeks as soft as they are :)

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