$99 crowns...we got you beat



Christian Member
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I came across this post searching the web for who can be doing crowns for this price. We just lost a 20+ year, $5k/month account to "a lab in California that does $55 crowns". He claims he gets a one week turnaround and that it is not out sourced. He would not provide proof (such as an invoice) however. What sucks is he never gave us a chance to compete (not that we could) even after a relationship that spanned decades. :(
Friend of mine got a hand written kiss off note from a guy he'd been doing working with for the same time frame. Doc went to cheap Zirc, friend started doing eMax for him, still sent the harder 5+ unit stuff for PFMs, implant work, and FCG. Then just said so long and thanks for all the fish.
After 25 years of Ring ring " Hey, [REDACTED], can you do me a favor on this one?"

We blather about building relationships instead of client lists. But when it comes down to it, Dr. Spouse, the beach, the accountant, receptionist, or ofc mgr is the one that usually wins, and if they don't like you, your fees, you delivery car's color... they have much more ear time than you ever will.

I just give the best I can every time, I know one day they won't call again. But I know that if they never call again, it wasn't because of my work.

A good friend here made the observation to me once that you will lose all of them eventually. You have the choice to loose them while doing the best you can for the patient or while doing less than your best for the patient.

That's all I can do. If price is the main attraction, I don't want to be part of that doc's show.


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The way things are now in Cali you have to make sure your work is better than anyone else and you give better service .( & never give them a reason to look elsewhere ) But DON'T drop the price :)
price drop.jpg


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I just don't understand how you could be making any profit on a $55 FCZ. Unless of course everyone employed in the workflow is at minimum wage. For that price here we would be doing the work just to do the work. Probably just covering the cost of materials and labor and nothing else. They are totally ruining the market if the reach is this far East (we are in PA). I was assuming the work would go to Mexico and back but it looks like that isn't the case. You could probably still turn a profit at a $69 GW crown employing people at $9/hr down the line.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that we always no-charged this guys rush cases the 4x per year he went on vacation. 'Lo and behold we got a 4 unit rush anterior FCZ case because the new lab couldn't do it as fast as he wanted. Imagine that! I think we will implement rush charges on this guy from now on. :)
rkm rdt

rkm rdt

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Livin' in a creeper van.

It's California after all

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