printing with phrozen (Centri print resin)



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hi guys, hope all well.

have recently got a phrozen sonic mighty 8k printer to bring the lab into the 21 century.

currently use the WHW resin (centri print)

just wondering if any one has any suggestions on the print settings. using lychee as my slicer.

current settings:

layers: 6
exposure time: 30
transition layers count: 6
light delay: 13
lift distance: 8>8mm
retract dist: 8>8mm
lift speed: 60>180mm
retract speed : 8>60mm
light intensity: 100%

layer thickness: 50um
exposure time: 2.8s
lift dist: 8>8mm
retract dist: 8>8mm
lift speed: 60>60mm
retract speed: 60>60mm
light off delay: 13s
light intensity: 100%

do you guys recommend anything else or changing, prints are coming out bad.. for the most part but wonder if I could tweek anything to improve.

many thanks in advance
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