Sintering pritident and aidite zirconia



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Hey guys, lots of silly questions ahead
My lab just got our first sintering furnace (yayyy), and now i have a big problem with choosing the right program and anything related since this is the first one we've gotten(new lab).
Right now all we have are Aidite and Pritident zirconia pucks, but neither have a pamphlet that shows proper sintering programs.
We mostly do all on 4, or all on 6 designs and i have absolutely no idea what program to put into the furnace for those, or any other of my designs whatsoever. The furnance is MIHM Tabeo sintering furnace, if it makes a difference.
I know that when i mill the zirconia for all on x i have to put supports, do i remove them after sintering or should i glaze while it's still on?
Any help and tips would be appreciated<3
Typically your best bet is to reach out to the manufacturer (or the reseller you bought the furnace from) and ask them for the recipe for each given zirconia you are sintering. Or, if you are able, you can usually find a sintering cycle for whichever zirconia you are trying to program and then decipher how to put that cycle into your machine.
Nowak sells Aidite and may have a link for the IFU? There are others here who use Aidite, who may stop by with that information.

Not to scare you, dentallabmne and I don't mind being shot down for even saying this, but is a front loading furnace (elements on 2 sides) the best for sintering all on 4s/6s? It is great furnace and company in general, though :)
Sorry but how do labs that have 'no idea' as to even sinter zirconia get these big cases? Let me guess, youre not a lab..

And buying the cheaper front loading furnace to boot?
I got hired to be a designer for a new lab in a new clinic, but have to do everything else since no one is willing to work, id really appreciate any advice.
I didn't buy any of the machines myself nor was i asked for my opinion, it's just what was bought and i have to find a way to work with it, so there's nothing i can do besides ask for help from experienced technicians
Nowak sells Aidite and may have a link for the IFU? There are others here who use Aidite, who may stop by with that information.

Not to scare you, dentallabmne and I don't mind being shot down for even saying this, but is a front loading furnace (elements on 2 sides) the best for sintering all on 4s/6s? It is great furnace and company in general, though :)
Trust me when i say this, no one and i mean no one asked me for any opinions, because my doctor bought the machines himself and said make it work
poor patients. They spend their lifes savings on this $hit.
what else would you do but go from never sintering anything too i know lets do full arch screw retained bridges how hard can it be. I would suggest ZirkonZahn and get your dentist to send you to one of their training centers as well i would suggest the one in Italy its the best I have sent a number of my staff there the training is excellent and when you get sick of the dentist your working for stupidity you can leave fully trained and ready to go . This is the only way you are going to be up to speed.
@sidesh0wb0b ..we are experimenting with aidite and ivoclar prime and cercon xtml pucks Curious what you are using as it sounds like you didn't like aidite which I don't think is bad either
oh i didnt dislike aidite.
as with most zirconia, its really hard to nail those darker shades without losing value or being way off on the shade. just about everyone can hit A2, including aidite. i dont have anything bad to say about aidite, just wanted better results. whitepeaks is mostly what we are using now, though we are still testing random zirconias as i find them and get some in hand
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