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Hey everyone! I've just started working in a dental lab. I've decided to pursue this as a career and eventually get my CDT's. What manuals or text books would you recommend to study? What was most beneficial to you for learning?
Hey everyone! I've just started working in a dental lab. I've decided to pursue this as a career and eventually get my CDT's. What manuals or text books would you recommend to study? What was most beneficial to you for learning?
Greetings Earthling! Welcome!

For some great resources, start here, with the DLN repository. Up to the top the resources tab has many useful things. Primarily the Air Force manuals.

There is also no shortage of periodicals and books to read:

And hang out here, just get inoculated or you will become addicted. Which is actually a good thing, maybe? Hmmmm2

If you don't have it already, you'll need some thick skin. Sarcasm and a public servant sense of humor will help a lot. Not just because you're here, but because you're in the group that serves the group no one listens to and we don't get listened to either. Just accept that if it ever becomes 100% obvious that a dentist made a mistake, then it's the one time that it wasn't your fault, but "our" fault.

Not trying to turn you away, just give a fair warning. This is the most rewarding thing I can ever think of doing. Learn, read, ask, listen, and you'll pick it all up in time.
And a few wonderous reasources I forgot about mentioning.

Cap is a sponser of this little oasis, their boss, and others, is a member here. Hit the education tab, and soak up cad/cam knowledge.
Ivoclar, a major equipment and materials producer, and another sponser. The link is to their tech tips area. One of

Over a dozen lab related webinars, over 100 dentisty webinars. Some give CE credits, some don't anymore, but only one I've seen was *not* free. Massive amounts of info there.

There's bound to be more, but those sources shold keep you busy for some time.
And when you absorbed everything you need just stick to the basics and perfect them every day a bit more. Love it and live it.

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