IO implant models and growing pains...



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It is good we are getting more Trios cases, but it has taken horrendous a twist. We are getting more implant cases and trying to figure out the different model workflows. Many companies do not have digital solution for their products. Now attempting larger cases with multi unit interfaces (for which there is currently no direct digital solution).

It can be very confusing in 3shape selecting the proper parts in the menus to get exactly what you want. We struggled with Nobel Biocare after not having all the proper DME files. Took a while to figure out we couldn't select the correct things because they weren't all imported properly. The order gets to be rediculus: NP FCZ ASC RP IO NB (or Elios). Then you have to make sure to pick shades (four for ASC) (six for FCZ),manufacturing setting correct and the model configuration.

Then comes designing the model AFTER the case is designed (hope you selected the proper analog earlier). Our current problem is that a the Nobel Biocare analogs do not fit well in the Dreve model. There is a slight amount of play making the models unusable. Can they be salvaged or do we reprint them? It seems like in the models we used the Elios Nobel Biocare analogs, they fit well. Anyone else have this experience? How about a domestic company that print implant models for us? The Dreve models are the best I have seen anywhere.

Sevan P

Sevan P

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I have had my fare share of issues with IO implant models until i figured it all out. Currently using NT trading from Argen. Now since not all implant companies are on board with a full digital work flow, i can do model from any platform that is within the NT trading library. Nobel has it Straumann has it but it is only printed in Europe via Dreve. M.I.S. will be launching their digital model this year, Implant Direct is no were near it and all the other companies might find it not worth it especially if it can be done else where.

I currently have one Dr on trios using Implant direct, he ended up getting I.D. markers then he contacted me and I broke him the bad news. Then i gave the good news. I bought him the Zimmer kit from NT trading and told him that I can make the models using the Argen and NT trading, then make a I.D. Custom ZR or Ti abutment on top of that, this way in the end you get a OE Implant Direct abutment. He ended up loving me. He mainly send me stock abutments but some times we do custom ones. Problem solved and we have done over 50 implant cases so far with out a hitch.

You can do the same for Nobel replace and Active, Straumann tissue and bone level, Biomet 3i and the list goes on. I know it sound lame to do the model then the abutment from two different sources but you got a better idea?

As for the fitting issues make sure that your model that you select has a 0.00 analog to base setting. I had issues when i chose a regular model file that had some space for the die to fit, that is where I saw my DIM analogs rotate. Since I use the DIM model setting no more rotating of the DIM Analogs.


ACS can be done once you get the model printed. You can start the model then save the case, close the case then go to model builder and do the model to get printed then finish designing the case at a later date. But Argen requires an abutment to upload with the model if you use their upload link, but if you upload just stl file manually then you don't need an abutment. You cancel the abutment once the case is uploaded. It is a pain and I don't know why they need it to be that way.

We have come a long way since the beginning but we have a ways to go still. Setting up the order is no that hard i don't find it confusing at all, yes there are multiple products stacked on top of each other then the right model. But it is very simple if you think about it. Shades only apply to outsourced products MFG process don't cross materials so there should be no issue there.
keith goldstein

keith goldstein

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We will have a complete digital workflow for multiunits in about one month. We already have the multiunit abutments, the ti bases, the analogs (which can be placed into 3d printed models) and the scan bodies for the dental lab scanners. We will have a intraoral scan body for multiunit next and currently work with 3shape, DW, and Exocad. So you do have options just need to know who else is out there....


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Nobel Biocare has been printing our implant models for us, and lately the implant orientations have been off. We are looking for recommendations for a new model supplier.
rkm rdt

rkm rdt

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Nobel Biocare has been printing our implant models for us, and lately the implant orientations have been off. We are looking for recommendations for a new model supplier.
I find 3rd parties are way ahead of the OEM's.


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can you output the stl and send it to whoever you want but have to use the nobel dim analog?


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Nobel Biocare has been printing our implant models for us, and lately the implant orientations have been off. We are looking for recommendations for a new model supplier.
We send our implant cases to Core3D. In general it works fine. They use Carbon printers and that other, chalky white or blue material. No too fond on it, though.
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