Inaugural Royal bling Gold teeth grillz Trial

  • Thread starter Thread starter Holly93
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i truly don't know how to react to that other than to say you have been reading a very different bible than i have.

Jesus said love thy neighbor as thyself, and put no stipulations or caveats on that. love thy whore neighbor, love thy fat neighbor, love thy gay neighbor, love thy politically different neighbor. let God judge them and stop doing that yourself.
who have I judged?
we are all sinners and a work in progress.
Paul told the Corinthians that they were to judge sinful believers, but to leave those outside the church to God.

Its a common mistake by people not well read in scripture.

So, if you do claim to be a believer, you are to be held to a standard by other believers so you dont bring disgrace on the whole of the church.
very good then, so stop shouting how God hates people and let God do his thing. meanwhiles live and let live eh? no need or cause to be mean or hateful.
I got this guys...this should cover all the topics discussed in this thread. (a denture I did about 10 years ago....p.s. dam I sucked back

I should solicit for this to be my next “crunk”
Think I need a lexical adjustment. Crunk last time I was in the 90's, meant drunk and on cronic/weed.

I can't understand from context what it means as you are using it.

Tl;dr: kids talk weird yo
Random thought...

Why dont redheads take heat for Cultural appropriation from clowns?
Hey, just read the article below. Academia is pondering this question:

Im a big South Park fan.

Before anyone gets more worked up at my intolerant speech...when I was in the dating part of my life, I gave heavy preference to redheads and married an Irish girl.
How did you start to market this? We're thinking about going into this field.
Here in Oakland there’s a big market for Gold enhancements. We just told a few dentists it was something we could do well and After a few test cases We’ve getting pretty consistent work in gold teeth. Mostly #8-9 open face gold on full dentures
Just to re-activate this thread. Who can point me to a source to have a bridge done for one of my docs who can do this type of work. It needs to be a fixed prosthetic so no snap-on stuff. Thanks!
Hi Y'all,

Fun project. First set of "grillz". If I do a good job, apparently the Oakland Rapper community might be sending me a wide variety of high end "krunk" orders.

This specific case

Gold "grillz", after try-in, we may be asked to add rhinestones.

Dentist notes on patient request:
"Yo, My teeth gone, but make new ones be shining hard with great quality"
I think they are called Grillz when they are gold shell over natural teeth. These are pre made denture teeth that you can buy from a couple of suppliers, right?
The patient wants it all one piece cemented in. I don't know why. If I could find a company that could take my properly designed dental bridge and add bling to it, that would be what the patient wants. Again, I don't know why anyone would want it permanent
The patient wants it all one piece cemented in. I don't know why. If I could find a company that could take my properly designed dental bridge and add bling to it, that would be what the patient wants. Again, I don't know why anyone would want it permanent
Based off my recent experience, I'm not sure that many dentists or techs work with gold anymore. I had a gold inlay that I made, and dentist who was very knowledgeable in gold work seated 30 years ago, pop out recently. I went to my much younger dentist to re-seat, and she didn't have a clue how to polish gold, I had to walk her through while in the chair, lol.
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Just to re-activate this thread. Who can point me to a source to have a bridge done for one of my docs who can do this type of work. It needs to be a fixed prosthetic so no snap-on stuff. Thanks!
so you just want a gold bridge? hell i can do that. did one over the summer
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