Yep, workflow is real easy with codiagnostix. All your steps are numbered so you just run through them as numbered. The only time I’d go out of order is to get the STL loaded up sooner rather than later. Then there’s the icon directly to the left of the number 1, which is also a step you got to do, but isn’t numbered for some reason. I always would also design my crown in 3shape and bring it into codiagnostix as an extra STL. Also, when you’re doing the implant placement, a couple icons to the right of the numbered workflow there’s a little implant icon that will align all your views to your currently selected implant, so you can do a 360 view around the implant, as opposed to slices along the jaw. I kept that view active nearly constantly and would do the majority of my placement using that view.
As far as doctor approval I’d just use teamviewer and run them through the placement, and then have them sign a waiver that they reviewed everything and all that stuff