I'm new to this forum... sorry...how can I PM you with questions?
Greetings Earthling! Welcome!
You are still too new to be able to start PMs or 'conversations' as the site software calls it.
Every member at first has theor posts screened. You'll need at least 5 posts in the areas that count for that to stop, for PMs priviledge and image uploading to be added to your account abilities.
Maybe go introdude yourself in the introductions sub-forum?
Anyone with PM rights can start one with you.
These things are to prevent marketing spamers from coming in and sending lots of pm sales attempts and posting all over.
places that don't increae your post count are the testing area, classifieds area, and forum help area.
Hope this helps. Putting @ in front of a username will give that user an alert that they were mentioned. You are welcome to put
@JMN to notify me that you need assistance or have questions until yourstatus changes. After thst you are invited to contact me by PM if any firther assistance is required.
Happy days to you. Thanks for joining the place. Make sure to check out the resources section near the top (Home, Forums, etc,....Resources) if you have not already. If you have somethong useful to add feel free to do so.