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  1. H

    E.Max Glaze

    We use 3G glaze for our emax and what I found is if you extend your hold time time they glaze very nice..only 1 firing...but keep in mind that is just my preference everybody likes there crowns differant...but the hold time seems to be the best answer...
  2. H

    Advice on Emax crown over Zirconia abutments

    We have opaqued our abutments, if they were custom with a Semi-precious or noble metal or titanium as long as you have titanium porc.
  3. H

    Mispress on Emax

    I would extend your H2 time by say 5 min.
  4. H

    emax short margin

    1600 for burnout temp? We use 1562, as for reaction layer what is your H2 time? the shorter the H2 time less reaction layer, we have our H2 time at 8:00 min. also like said above sprueing and angle is important, alsp i beleive you have like 30 se. to transfer your ring from burnout to press...
  5. H

    Sintering E.Max Cad Blue Blocks

    When the crystalization cycle is being done you also have to support the restoration with Ivoclar flo material or simular product for support since the temp. for crystalization is close the the melting temp.
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